Das Weltkulturerbe/ The World-Cultural-Heritage

Weltkulturerbe / World-Cultural-Heritage


Ursula Empress, Ruebenkoppel 1, 23564 Luebeck


To the

Senders of the Radio and TV Stations

and News + Press Agencies


Europe and the USA




Germany, Luebeck, 2002, February 27th




Entertainment Programmes/ CC To all Media in Europe and the USA.



Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the Editorial Staff, Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the Public Relations,


Now your Empress requests you urgently not to restrain this writing but put it for disposal; particularly the mentioned group of persons should doing that.


Many further specifically writings of your Empress are existing, which are written for your categories.


You and people like you often will be overtaxed by the contents of these writings, yet in a point my person can be relatively sure; you will sufficiently receive subject for the drivel and the gossip, especially if you will read the writings, which are translated in English language.


In my opinion you are no more to be taken serious and therefore you may live it up in this form.


Your level within you are working, at which work very precise must be defined, has spread on and has formed in accordance the youth and even already the children for a long time!


Not primarily you and your editors are to be made actual responsible at the end of the concatenation for your conversation programmes and your porn magazines, but there have to be made the people responsible, which e. g. are prefering the German culture senders like NDR4 classical period broadcast or the journal LEARN TOO. 



Often people who could enjoy an expensive study or an expensive training and wanted to move them further in this level e. g. prefer such well-bred mentioned senders.


This kind of people changed the sender, switched it off and looked away in a seen manner, if your programmes seemed to be too primitive and dirty for them.


Now this kind of people stand mainly before the judge and not primarily so small half a pimps, which bring young people into the public, whereby these must sell them more and more often.


Now, too the old person sits mainly in the dock, because an old person should have had to know where such a culture must lead.


This culture leads to a boundless pleasure park, where the human being will be mixed with the animal!


Who actually allowed you to deal with the values of other people in this way and who allowed you actually to make such a silly Punch- and Judy show from the world?


Who allowed you to involve the adolescents and even the children by doing things in a great style by your medium?


Pull yourselves together and consider what you will do in future first of all! {#emotions_dlg.ghost}


The letter style which would fit for you and people like you one must fabricate at first!


After you are in knowledge from your Authorities, whose consists of three persons, you will have to learn standing up straight for your supplied rubbish! 


Your Empress requests that suitable personalities, whose surely are there, will be undertaken editorial staff and will let only some senders, which will them crystallize out, run further in this low level.


In this way all others will start to control against that rubbish.


Mankind, also think once about your own childhood and your youth, you silly unruly crowd!


Now there exists sufficient material in all culture matters to stop the publicly groaning and the screwing via the media.

The affected so-called prominent figures and their managers please, will give back that "earned" money for already mentioned building projects, which must be got up as quickly as possible.


Mainly the half ********gossip men-women***” will have to start learning to work by own physical strength, whereby the hormones may get back to a norm, namely on the construction area as a man.


These people have to arrive at that building projects and have to learn moving among men in the fresh air e. g. like a bricklayer, a joiner, a building worker, a sculptor and still much more handicrafts items.


That is valid for every kind of such a presenters, too.


A lot of craft work is required for those building projects, so that every worker is needed.


The castles**(not anymore) and the villas may still be inhabited by the addressed groups of persons in this way, since they must not become the whipping boys of the nations.


People, who knew precisely where this theatre must lead to sooner or later are first of all guilty!


The real artists and presenters please, will protect the culture and should entertain people for truly earned money for the regeneration and expansion.


Come to yourselves quickly, otherwise you become acquainted with the Cudgel of your Empress, what can be very painful for you and people like you, you may gladly ask in fact responsible ones in my hometown.


If my person does not has been mistaken, then the umbrella or better the Cudgel of your Empress has already struck once hard at the right place before longer time.


The financing of the mentioned building projects is already fixed worldwide. Also some persons in charge have been already instructed with the projects.

Please, make use of the weekly distributions of all lotteries worldwide for the respective financing pot.{#emotions_dlg.bell}


Until we all together won`t be out of danger, your Empress does not change her letter style and even if not the momentum is standing correspondingly behind her umbrella.


On behalf of



Now, at latest after eight years of this letter it is time for a change, because otherwise the costs become unmanageable for everybody. There are too many young persons already stranded and destroyed and I do not be able to accept, that the responsible people may enjoy live without any limits and with high credits!


Thank you, U. S., Empress                             2010, March 16th.


Document has been checked in Februrary 2017/ NOvember 2021.


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